Welcome to the Official App of St Joseph Church. (Mira Road, Mumbai)
St Joseph Church is situated at Mira Road, Mumbai (India).
Total Number of Registered Families: 5107
Total Number of Population: 25000
Total Number of Association: 34
Total Number of Cells: 7
Total Number of Choir Groups: 12
Total Number of Communities: 56 (Families Divided into 56 zones)
Total Number of Animators: 340
The parish is just 15 years old, but today it is one of the most vibrant & enthusiastic parishes of Mumbai, because, it has, parishioners who are talented personalities migrating from various parishes of Mumbai, Goa & Mangalore.
Instantly access the app for the following information's
• Parish Information: All about Patron Saint, Message from the Pastor, History of the church, Parish Team, Church Timings, Responsibilities, Office timings, whom to contact, about nuptial rules and regulations. Parish Council etc.
• “Daily updated "Thought of the Day"
• Editorial contains Audio Sermons to listen and Church Publications to download
• Announcements in the form of Weekly, Obituary (Reunited in the lord), Birthdays, Feast days, List of couples joined in the lord (Marriage), Anniversaries.
• Groups (Institutions, Sunday school, Associations & Cells, Charismatic groups, Small Christian Community, Community welfare fund, & communities in Mira Road Parish. Find their locations, leaders, contact information, and descriptions)
• Events showcased in the form of Photographs & Videos
• Dynamic Quiz
• Contact information with a map
Selamat datang di App Resmi St Joseph Church. (Mira Road, Mumbai)
St Joseph Church terletak di Mira Road, Mumbai (India).
Total Jumlah Keluarga Terdaftar: 5107
Total Jumlah Penduduk: 25000
Total Jumlah Asosiasi: 34
Total Jumlah Sel: 7
Total Jumlah Choir Grup: 12
Total Jumlah Komunitas: 56 (Keluarga Terbagi dalam 56 zona)
Total Jumlah Animator: 340
paroki baru berusia 15 tahun, tapi hari ini adalah salah satu paroki yang paling bersemangat & antusias dari Mumbai, karena, memiliki, umat yang kepribadian berbakat bermigrasi dari berbagai paroki di Mumbai, Goa & Mangalore.
Langsung mengakses aplikasi untuk informasi berikut ini
• Parish Informasi: Semua tentang Patron Saint, Pesan dari Pendeta, Sejarah Gereja, Tim Parish, Gereja Timing, Tanggung Jawab, timing Office, siapa yang harus dihubungi, tentang aturan dan peraturan perkawinan. Parish Council dll
• "Harian diperbarui" Pemikiran of the Day "
• Editorial berisi Khotbah Audio untuk mendengarkan dan Publikasi Gereja untuk men-download
• Pengumuman dalam bentuk Weekly, Obituary (Reunited di tuan), Ulang tahun, hari raya, Daftar pasangan tergabung dalam Tuhan (Pernikahan), peringatan.
• Groups (Lembaga, Sekolah Minggu, Asosiasi & Sel, kelompok Karismatik, Christian Community Kecil, dana kesejahteraan Komunitas, & masyarakat di Mira Jalan Parish. Cari mereka lokasi, para pemimpin, informasi kontak, dan deskripsi)
• Acara dipamerkan dalam bentuk Foto & Video
• Kuis Dinamis
• Informasi kontak dengan peta